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File List | 1994-01-22 | 14.5 KB | 186 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 30 - Screen Drivers and Utilities │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 24ALL103.ZIP 1173202 07-09-93 Diamond Stealth 24 install/utilities/
- | drivers set v1.03: Includes DOS/CAD,
- | MS-Win 3.1 drivers and utilities.
- 24XBETA.ZIP 153811 08-06-93 Beta 2.04 drivers for the Diamond
- | SpeedStar 24x and Windows 3.1.
- 256S3OS2.ZIP 1216085 06-01-93 Refresh: IBM S3 256 color drivers
- | released with Pre-Load OS/2 2.1 systems.
- | File is in LOADDSKF format. Use
- | diskimage to restore.
- 542XVGAL.ZIP 20604 11-08-93 Cirrus bios upgrade v1.4 for 542x
- | series boa.
- ACTIX_1.ZIP 1358232 04-21-93 Latest enhanced drivers for Actix VLB
- | VGA card. Disk 1.
- ACTIX_2.ZIP 1457406 09-14-93 Latest enhanced drivers for Actix VLB
- | VGA card disk 2. These drivers are
- | supposed to make an already screamer
- | card, 15-20% faster!
- ALABAMAT.ZIP 1200491 09-05-93 Super hires TGA to test your video!
- AMY_V22.ZIP 73241 08-08-93 Amy! v2.2: program prints LARGE letters
- | on a CGA, EGA, VGA, or Hercules screen.
- ATIM32D1.ZIP 899587 05-31-93 ATI Ultra Pro Mach 32 Drivers v2.0.
- ATIUTL.ZIP 308860 11-07-93 Updated ATI Graphics Ultra Pro
- | installation and test utilities.
- BLAZE.ZIP 26998 07-26-93 Blaze v2.60: VGA screen saver. Due to
- | the numerous random effects that it is
- | capable of, you may not ever see the
- | same pattern twice! Some will appear
- | similar, but there are millions of
- | possibilities. Includes password
- | protection feature. Req: VGA/286.
- BLNKS415.ZIP 81141 12-01-93 L TSR screen blanker supports MDA/HGA/
- | CGA/EGA/VGA v4.15.
- CALCAT37.ZIP 140698 06-10-93 CALCAT v3.7 WC3.x Holiday screen
- | swapper
- CAPTUR13.ZIP 3609 06-01-93 TSR To Save An 80x25 Screen To A File
- | In ASCII Or Binary Format. Useful When
- | Used With TheDraw.
- CGAHERC.ZIP 2282 07-20-93 SIMCGA Allows You To Run Many CGA
- | Programs On A Hercules (Or Hercules
- | Compatible) Monochrome Monitor. Does Not
- | Work With All Programs, And Will Not
- | Work With A Genuine IBM Monochrome Card
- | (Mdpa). You Don'T Need This File If You
- | Have A Color Monitor. An Oldie But
- | Goodie.
- CLOS2256.ZIP 397917 04-12-93 256-color drivers for Cirrus Logic
- | video adapters.
- CLPMON11.ZIP 29680 11-29-93 If you have a secondary monochrome
- | monitor, then download these three FREE
- | utilities to maxmize your productivity!
- | CLIPMONO runs Windows to copy clipboard
- | data to the mono.
- CLRCURS.ZIP 6055 06-05-93 Moves Cursor To Column X, Row Y. Handy
- | Screen Utility.
- COLRD152.ZIP 55176 06-21-93 COLORDOS v1.52: Generates a unique
- | prompt drive letter color & a different
- | text color for each drive in your
- | system. Also, each subdirectory in the
- | prompt can have its own color. Gives
- | the command line an extremely pleasing
- | appearance. All options are set using a
- | setup program and load automatically.
- | 4DOS compatible. Does not require
- | ANSI.SYS but will work with ANSI.SYS.
- COMCVRT2.ZIP 48801 07-21-93 Conversion Tables That Work on Your
- | Local Screen, or it Will Operate Via A
- | Modem and Act as A Door For Sysops.
- CPQVGI.ZIP 15576 07-24-93 Compaq AVGA Video Driver (INTEL).
- DAZESCRN.ZIP 24959 05-08-93 Daze screen saver.
- DBVGA20A.ZIP 74554 08-05-93 DBVGA v2.0: A 256 colors screen saver
- | that display jokes and quotes. Support
- | VGA and EGA.
- DRNEWC.ZIP 20178 08-23-93 Modified version of PC Mag utility
- | DR.COM/DRNEW.COM with .ZIF file to
- | support user-configurable color
- | selection.
- EXTSHR12.ZIP 104455 07-12-93 Pascal Turbovision extended screen mode
- | library.
- FONTLOAD.ZIP 16944 05-26-93 Font Loader [FLOAD] is a font set
- | loader for VGA monitors. It changes the
- | default IBM font set to either roman or
- | script sets.
- HDLOAD.ZIP 41057 06-29-93 HDILOAD v2.21a: ATI Turbo Adapter
- | Interface for DOS is a programming
- | interface written exclusively for ATI
- | Mach8 and Mach32 accelerator chips. The
- | ATI provides access to the graphics
- | coprocessor by providing a "call
- | interface" to programs performing
- | display functions in the 8514/A
- | compatible part of the graphics card.
- INTENSE_.ZIP 7603 11-29-93 INTeNSe! Allows you to use intense
- | background like Symantec/Quaterdeck
- | programs do. Uses only text mode, and
- | can be turned on in THEDRAW to give you
- | 100's of new shades! You also get the
- | Pascal SOURCE code.
- LJVGA200.ZIP 53654 06-28-93 TSR VGA or SVGA print screen to HP LJet
- | v2.00 Works dandy, has options to change
- | orientation, dithering, etc. Worth a
- | look. It is, for example, a great way to
- | get Quicken 6.0 graphs to a laser
- | printer (Quicken for DOS displays, but
- | won't print, pretty graphs).
- M32UTL.ZIP 232505 08-13-93 ATI Mach32 utilities v2.1.
- M8UTL.ZIP 157704 05-21-93 New install utilities for ATI video
- | cards that use a Mach 8 processor.
- | Straight from the ATI BBS.
- POLYGEOM.ZIP 19728 07-31-93 PolyGeometrics screen saver.
- SAVESCRN.ZIP 9648 06-04-93 Screen Saver Utility to prevent monitor
- | burn-in.
- SCOAST.ZIP 96370 07-02-93 Screen saver with view as though you
- | were riding on a roller coaster.
- SET132.ZIP 8483 10-28-93 Sets VGA monitors to 132 column mode.
- SP0631.ZIP 126966 10-13-93 QVision Display Driver.
- SSDV111.ZIP 4400 10-16-93 Small SCREEN Savers v1.11. Reqs: VGA.
- SSPUTIL.ZIP 71256 07-14-93 Diamond Speed Star Pro utilities.
- SSS100.ZIP 102076 09-08-93 Small Screen Blanker v1.00.
- SSSARTWK.ZIP 41865 08-07-93 SSSARTWK v1.00: A Screen Saver designed
- | to display interesting string art. VGA
- | in 256 color mode is recommended.
- SS_GOD11.ZIP 4889 07-08-93 VGA Screen Saver.
- STLADNDM.ZIP 3421 09-03-93 Addendum to Diamond Stealth VRAM
- STLOS21.ZIP 1398274 06-13-93 Diamond Stealth VRAM (911) video
- | drivers v1.0: Drivers support OS/2
- | 2.1GA, as well as OS/2 2.0GA and OS/2
- | 2.0 SP. If you are still running OS/2
- | 2.1 beta code, we urge you to update to
- | OS/2 2.1GA. These drivers do NOT support
- | the OS/2 2.1 betas.
- SWPSCRN.ZIP 15714 10-01-93 Utility to swap any or all Screens.
- TLEAF21C.ZIP 92260 04-10-93 TeaLeafs v2.1C: user-modifiable screen
- | saver that allows you to specify your
- | preference for the pattern displays,
- | allowing you to design your own custom
- | displays.
- TLIVESA.ZIP 4729 04-29-93 Vesa driver v1.2 for Tseng Labs VGA
- | chip ET4000.
- TLXBIN.ZIP 9207 05-16-93 TLX-BIN v1.0: Screen Capture Program
- | Written For Use With TELIX v3.21.
- | NonTSR: Automatically Names Files.
- | Writes Files In (4000 Byte) BINARY
- | Format.
- TMCOLOR.ZIP 7325 06-14-93 Changes color of DOS text screen.
- | Quickly gives any foreground and
- | background.
- TN074.ZIP 4041 10-26-93 Details of the contents of the
- | programmer's reference manual for ATI
- | mach32 video boards (ultra and ultra
- | pro). Includes an order form and pricing
- | information.
- TOMSAVER.ZIP 39674 08-22-93 Tomsavers: (VGA) A Collection of Eight
- | Different Screen Savers. You Make Your
- | Selection From A Menu. Each Screen Saver
- | Has A Beautiful Display of Colors. Helps
- | Prevent Screen Burn-In.
- TUNNLDRW.ZIP 41649 06-01-93 Draws TUNNEL from Rotating Polygons.
- | EGA/VGA Screen utility/toy.
- VBATI.ZIP 8354 07-21-93 Video Blaster fix for ATI video cards.
- VBVFW.ZIP 53024 07-22-93 Updated Video Blaster drivers.
- VPR200.ZIP 677252 11-03-93 New WIN v3.1 drivers for the Diamond
- | Viper.
- VV215.ZIP 16374 05-17-93 Latest ATI VESA support driver.
- WIN30J.ZIP 110067 06-06-93 Trident Windows drivers for Japanese
- | Katakana. These work in conjunction with
- | Pen Computing applications.
- WRITE25.ZIP 18716 06-12-93 WRITE v2.5: Color ECHO replacement
- | Prints full color text anywhere on
- | screen. Much more flexible than DOS
- | ECHO statement. Can also display text
- | files.
- XGAOPT.ZIP 389099 06-11-93 IBM XGA & XGA-2 Display Adapter/A
- | Option Startup v2.2. Provides support
- | for the XGA adapters. Unpack to a 1.44MB
- | diskette using PKUNZIP with the -D
- | option.
- ZENOV20.ZIP 8853 06-21-93 ZENO v20 is a software video
- | accelerator that can double-triple your
- | video I/O speed! Maybe you can put off
- | that new video card a little longer with
- | this!